RV Institute of Technology

(Formerly Chebrolu Engineering College)
NAAC 'A' Grade
AICTE Approved
CSE Department

Computer Science and Engineering

Departmental Committees

Committees for overall departmental performance

S No Name of Committee Name of Co-ordinator Role
1 Department Academics Dr. Narendra babu
Ms. L Yuavan
2 Program Assessment & Quality Improvement Dr. Bhavani Member
3 Development & Continuing Education Mrs. Salini Lingineni Member
4 Academic Audit Mrs.Sk.Shakeela Member
5 Research & Development Dr. Bharathi Convener
6 National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC) Dr. B bhavani Member
7 National Board of Accreditation (NBA) Dr V Dinesh babu Member
8 Examinations Mr. A Siva Prasad Member
9 PG Program Mr.T.T.Rajeswar Rao Member
10 Skill Development & Placement Progression Ms. Sangeetha Member
11 Technical Association & Student Chapters Dr. B J D Kalyani Member
12 Industry Institute Interface (Linkages, Consultancy and Internships) Mr. A Suresh Kumar Member
13 Budget & Purchase Dr. RM Noorulla Member
14 Entrepreneurship Development Activities Ms. M Geetha Yadav Member
15 Institution's Innovation Council Ms. B Madhavi Devi Member
16 Department Discipline Ms. K Rashmi Member
17 Department Library and Resources Ms. D Rajani Member
18 Newsletter and Annual Report Preparation Ms. V Divya Vani Member
19 Department Website Ms. Ch Srividya Member
20 Alumni Affairs Mr. Ch Vijendhar Member
21 National Service Scheme (NSS) Ms. K Aishwarya Member
22 Extra-curricular Activities Mr. M Hari Krishna Member
23 Games & Sports Mr. M Hari Krishna Member
24 Timetable Ms. S Kavitha Member

Departmental Academic Integrity Panel (DAIP)

Departmental Academic Integrity panel (DAIP) has been constituted with the following members.

S. No. Name of the member Designation Status
1 Dr. V Dinesh babu Professor and Head Chairman
2 Dr. Phani Professor , Electronics and Communication Engineering Member, Principal Nominee
3 Dr. Bharathi Professor Member, HoD Nominee

**The tenure of the members in (2) and (3) shall be of two years. The minimum number of members for the meetings shall be 2 out of 3 members (including Chairman).

Roles & Responsibilities

  • Creating awareness about plagiarism and plagiarism detection software
  • The allegation of plagiarism against the researcher, student, faculty, and staff
  • The DAIP shall have the power to assess the level of plagiarism and recommend penalty(ies) accordingly.
  • The DAIP after investigation shall submit its report with the recommendation on penalties to be imposed to the IAIP within a period of 30 days from the date of receipt of complaint / initiation of the proceedings

Program Assessment Committee (PAC)

An Advisory Board plays an important role in the development of the department. Department level Advisory Board will be established for providing guidance and direction for qualitative growth of the department.

PAC Members

S. No. Name of the member Designation Status
1 Dr. V Dinesh Babu Associate Professor & HOD Convener
2 Dr. B Bharathi Assosiate Professor Convener
3 Dr. Narendra babu Professor Co-Convener
4 Dr. B Bhavani Professor, Computer Science & Engineering Academic Expert External
5 Mr. T T Rajeswar Rao Asst. Professor Academic Expert Internal
6 Mr. S Ravindranath Sr. Software Engineer Factset, Hyderabad Industrial Expert
7 Mr. Hemanth Yengandulu Technology Analyst, Infosys Limited, Hyderabad Alumni
8 Mr. Jay Karan Telukunta Cloud Engineer, Amazon Web Services, Hyderabad Alumni
9 Mr.TMV Koushik Nominee of Student Member
10 S.Sri Sai Kausthub Nominee of Student Member

Roles & Responsibilities

  • The Committee interacts and maintains liaison with key stakeholders.
  • Monitor the report of the PAC and progress of the program.
  • Develop and recommend new or revised goals and objectives of the program.
  • Review and analyses on the gap between curriculum and Industry requirement and gives necessary feedback or advice actions.
  • Monitoring of Course plan and delivery.
  • Verification of Faculty Dairy including Attendance Entry, Internal and AAT Marks, Syllabus Coverage, Identification of Slow Learners and above average performers and necessary actions.
  • Submission of report to the IQAC in the prescribed format.

Department Academic Committee (DAC)

DAC Members

S.No. Name Highest Qualification Designation Experience (Years)
1 Dr J NARENDRA BABU M. Tech and PhD Professor 20
2 Dr B BHAVANI M. Tech and PhD Professor 13
3 Dr Vunnava DInesh Babu M. Tech and PhD Associate Professor & HOD 10
4 Dr G Bharathi M. Tech and PhD Associate Professor 14
5 Dr Kurapati Srinivasa Rao M. Tech and PhD Associate Professor 15
6 Dr Rajesh Kumar Verma M. Tech and PhD Associate Professor 20
7 Dr Farheen Mohammad MS and PhD Associate Professor 8
8 Ms. Anusha Bondili M.Tech Assistant Professor 9
9 Mr. S.Jagadeesh M.Tech Assistant Professor 14
10 Mr. Vuyyuru Chaitanya Kumar M.Tech Assistant Professor 7
11 Mrs. Reddy Sravanthi M.Tech Assistant Professor 7
12 Mr.T.T.Rajeswar Rao M.Tech Assistant Professor 12
13 Mr.N.Naresh M.Tech Assistant Professor 6
14 Mr.K Venkata Sumanth M.Tech Assistant Professor 6
15 Ms.MENDU ANUSHA M.Tech Assistant Professor 8
16 Mrs.P.Shanti Priya M.Tech Assistant Professor 5
17 Mr.Gogineni Sreekanth M.Tech Assistant Professor 7
18 Mrs.L.Yuvana M.Tech Assistant Professor 10
19 Mr Dulla Sridhar M.Tech Assistant Professor 12
20 Mr. Mani Kumar Songa M.Tech Assistant Professor 6
21 Mrs. UGGAM SUKANYA M.Tech Assistant Professor 5
22 Mrs. Salini Lingineni M.Tech Assistant Professor 5
23 Mrs.Sk.Shakeela M.Tech Assistant Professor 5
24 Mr.N.Vijay Gopal M.Tech Assistant Professor 10
25 Ms.G.Jayasree M.Tech Assistant Professor 4
26 Mr.SHAIK IRFAN BASHA M.Tech Assistant Professor 2
27 Mr. Moulali Noorubhash M.Tech Assistant Professor 10
28 Mr. Ramesh Babu Karri M.Tech Assistant Professor 10

History of the Department

B. Tech. (CSE)

  • Started with 60 seats in 2008
  • Intake increased to 120 in 2019
  • Intake increased to 180 in 2022
  • Intake increased to 360 in 2024

M. Tech. (CSE)

  • Started with 18 seats in 2012

Contact Us

Dean of IQAC

Dr. V Dinesh Babu

Phone Number
Email Address

About Department

Current Intake

M.Tech-18 | B.Tech-360 | Diploma-180

The financial services and IT services and automation of industry will use the Computer Science concepts. The controlling programs architected and developed by Computer Science Engineering experts. It also gives great opportunities for research and development, as everyday consumer need new features to support them in daily life.

The department of Computer Science and Engineering was established in 2008 with an annual intake of 60 and improved to the current intake of 360 in B.Tech and annual intake of 180 in Diploma.

Department of Computer Science and Engineering

AICTE Approved Programs with Focus on Industry-Ready Skills

Program Overview

B.Tech CSE

  • 4-year full time program
  • 360 students intake
  • Strong focus on programming & core CS
  • Extensive practical training
  • Industry certifications support

M.Tech CSE

  • 2-year full time program
  • 18 students intake
  • Research-oriented approach
  • Specialized project work
  • Advanced computing focus

Key Features & Facilities

  • Modern computer labs
  • Digital library access
  • High-speed internet
  • Research laboratories
Academic Support
  • Expert faculty team
  • Industry workshops
  • Regular seminars
  • Mentorship program
Career Development
  • Placement training
  • Industry internships
  • Soft skills development
  • Technical competitions

Eligibility & Selection Process

B.Tech CSE
  • 10+2 with Physics, Chemistry & Mathematics
  • Minimum 50% aggregate in PCM
  • Valid JEE Main/EAPCET rank
  • Counseling performance
M.Tech CSE
  • B.E/B.Tech in any discipline
  • MCA or MSc Computer Science
  • Selection through PGECET
  • Merit-based admission

Placements & Career Outcomes

Top Recruiters
  • Microsoft
  • Amazon
  • TCS
  • Infosys
  • Wipro
  • Accenture
Placement Highlights
  • Consistent placement record
  • 95% PAT registered students placed
  • Strong industry connections
Career Support
  • Dedicated placement cell
  • Mock interviews
  • Coding practice sessions

Advisory Committee

  • Dr.K Srinivasa Rao, Professor, IIT Kharagpur
  • Dr.A.Damodaram, Professor of CSE, Ex- VC of SV University


To produce ingenious and socially responsible technologists and scientists in the area of Computer Science and Engineering.


  • M1: To train and transform youth into responsible technologists and scientists in the area of Computer Science and Engineering.
  • M2: To motivate them for attaining professional excellence.
  • M3: To inspire them to engage themselves proactively for the betterment of society.

Program Outcomes (POs)

Engineering Graduates will be able to:

1. Engineering knowledge:

Apply the knowledge of mathematics, science, engineering fundamentals, and an engineering specialization to the solution of complex engineering problems.

2. Problem analysis:

Identify, formulate, review research literature, and analyze complex engineering problems reaching substantiated conclusions using first principles of mathematics, natural sciences, and engineering sciences.

3. Design/development of solutions:

Design solutions for complex engineering problems and design system components or processes that meet the specified needs with appropriate consideration for the public health and safety, and the cultural, societal, and environmental considerations.

4. Conduct investigations of complex problems:

Use research-based knowledge and research methods including design of experiments, analysis and interpretation of data, and synthesis of the information to provide valid conclusions.

5. Modern tool usage:

Create, select, and apply appropriate techniques, resources, and modern engineering and IT tools including prediction and modeling to complex engineering activities with an understanding of the limitations.

6. The engineer and society:

Apply reasoning informed by the contextual knowledge to assess societal, health, safety, legal and cultural issues and the consequent responsibilities relevant to the professional engineering practice.

7. Environment and sustainability:

Understand the impact of the professional engineering solutions in societal and environmental contexts, and demonstrate the knowledge of, and need for sustainable development.

8. Ethics:

Apply ethical principles and commit to professional ethics and responsibilities and norms of the engineering practice.

9. Individual and team work:

Function effectively as an individual, and as a member or leader in diverse teams, and in multidisciplinary settings.

10. Communication:

Communicate effectively on complex engineering activities with the engineering community and with society at large, such as, being able to comprehend and write effective reports and design documentation, make effective presentations, and give and receive clear instructions.

11. Project management and finance:

Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the engineering and management principles and apply these to one's own work, as a member and leader in a team, to manage projects and in multidisciplinary environments.

12. Life-long learning:

Recognize the need for, and have the preparation and ability to engage in independent and life-long learning in the broadest context of technological change.

Program Specific Outcomes (PSOs)

Apply the Knowledge of Programming Languages, Networks and Databases for development of Software Applications.

PSO 1:

Identify, Analyse, Formulate and Solve Real Time Complex Engineering Problems.

PSO 2:

Design, Implement and Deploy a Quality Based Software System to meet the Evolving needs.

Program Educational Objectives (PEOs)

The graduates of the program will become proficient in the principles and practices of computer science, mathematics and science, enabling them to solve a wide range of computing related problems.

PEO 1:

Persuasion of a successful career in the field of Computer Science & Engineering can contribute both to his personal growth as an excellent professional employee and an entrepreneur.

PEO 2:

Upgrading to the latest developments in the field of Computer Science & Engineering will enhance their knowledge and promote themselves to further innovations.

PEO 3:

Computer Science & Engineering students can easily assimilate themselves to work effectively in multiple domains and promote themselves as leaders of the communities.

Department Facilities

Computing Facilities
  • 590 computers with latest versions of software and hardware
  • 1000 Mbps Internet facility through college LAN
  • Advanced software tools for technical development
  • 24/7 Power backup facility
Student Support
  • Expert lectures and guest lectures
  • Industrial visits and training programs
  • Student counseling system
  • Ideathons
  • Internship from fourth semester onwards with monetary benifits
  • Regular monitoring of attendance and discipline
Professional Memberships

Active memberships in professional bodies:



B-Tech Laboratories

  • To write programs in C to solve problems
  • To implement linear data structures
  • To implement searching and sorting methods
  • Database security fundamentals
  • Design techniques of database security
  • Secure software design principles
  • Object-oriented programming concepts
  • Java console programming
  • GUI-based programming
  • HTML programming fundamentals
  • Paper presentation design skills
  • MS Office tools implementation
  • Implementation of advanced data structures
  • Sorting and searching algorithms
  • Problem-solving using C programming
  • Abstract data types implementation
  • Linear and non-linear data structures
  • Algorithm analysis and optimization
  • Java programming with IDE tools
  • Application namespace management
  • Security system integration
  • Web development technologies
  • Web services deployment
  • Framework interoperability
  • Shell scripting fundamentals
  • Linux system utilities implementation
  • Network application development
  • Data mining systems analysis
  • Mining technologies implementation
  • Data modeling and analysis

M-Tech Laboratories

  • Design and implementation of basic data structures
  • Program specification and analysis
  • Data abstraction principles
  • Web services and SOA implementation
  • XML concepts and applications
  • Testing strategies for SOA-based applications

Faculty Profile

S.No. Name Highest Qualification Designation Experience (Years)
1 Dr J NARENDRA BABU M. Tech and PhD Professor 20
2 Dr B BHAVANI M. Tech and PhD Professor 13
3 Dr Vunnava DInesh Babu M. Tech and PhD Associate Professor & HOD 10
4 Dr G Bharathi M. Tech and PhD Associate Professor 14
5 Dr Kurapati Srinivasa Rao M. Tech and PhD Associate Professor 15
6 Dr Rajesh Kumar Verma M. Tech and PhD Associate Professor 20
7 Dr Farheen Mohammad MS and PhD Associate Professor 8
8 Ms. Anusha Bondili M.Tech Assistant Professor 9
9 Mr. S.Jagadeesh M.Tech Assistant Professor 14
10 Mr. Vuyyuru Chaitanya Kumar M.Tech Assistant Professor 7
11 Mrs. Reddy Sravanthi M.Tech Assistant Professor 7
12 Mr.T.T.Rajeswar Rao M.Tech Assistant Professor 12
13 Mr.N.Naresh M.Tech Assistant Professor 6
14 Mr.K Venkata Sumanth M.Tech Assistant Professor 6
15 Ms.MENDU ANUSHA M.Tech Assistant Professor 8
16 Mrs.P.Shanti Priya M.Tech Assistant Professor 5
17 Mr.Gogineni Sreekanth M.Tech Assistant Professor 7
18 Mrs.L.Yuvana M.Tech Assistant Professor 10
19 Mr Dulla Sridhar M.Tech Assistant Professor 12
20 Mr. Mani Kumar Songa M.Tech Assistant Professor 6
21 Mrs. UGGAM SUKANYA M.Tech Assistant Professor 5
22 Mrs. Salini Lingineni M.Tech Assistant Professor 5
23 Mrs.Sk.Shakeela M.Tech Assistant Professor 5
24 Mr.N.Vijay Gopal M.Tech Assistant Professor 10
25 Ms.G.Jayasree M.Tech Assistant Professor 4
26 Mr.SHAIK IRFAN BASHA M.Tech Assistant Professor 2
27 Mr. Moulali Noorubhash M.Tech Assistant Professor 10
28 Mr. Ramesh Babu Karri M.Tech Assistant Professor 10

Research Publications


Total Publications


International Journals


Conference Papers


Vunnava Dinesh Babu, "Accurate classification of forest fires in aerial images using ensemble model" - Bulletin of Electrical Engineering and Informatics, 2024, Vol. 13(4), pp. 2650-2658

Vunnava Dinesh Babu, "Three-stage multi-objective feature selection with distributed ensemble machine and deep learning for processing of complex and large datasets" - Measurement: Sensors, 2023, Vol. 28, 100820

Vunnava Dinesh Babu, "Large dataset partitioning using ensemble partition-based clustering with majority voting technique" - Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 2023, Vol. 29(2), pp. 838-844

Vunnava Dinesh Babu, "Leveraging CNN and LSTM for Identifying Citrus Leaf Disorders" - 2nd International Conference on Automation, Computing and Renewable Systems, ICACRS 2023 - Proceedings, 2023, pp. 730-735

Vunnava Dinesh Babu, "An Automated Epilepsy Seizure Detection System (AESD) Using Deep Learning Models" - International Conference on Self Sustainable Artificial Intelligence Systems, ICSSAS 2023 - Proceedings, 2023, pp. 454-461

Vunnava Dinesh Babu, "Three-stage multi-objective feature selection for distributed systems" - Soft Computing, 2023

Vunnava Dinesh Babu, "Dynamic Deep Learning Algorithm (DDLA) for Processing of Complex and Large Datasets" - Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Smart Energy, ICAIS 2022, 2022, pp. 336-342

Vunnava Dinesh Babu, "A Hybrid Multimodal Biometric Recognition System (HMBRS) based on Fusion of Iris, Face, and Finger Vein Traits" - 2024 5th International Conference on Smart Electronics and Communication (ICOSEC), 2024

Wilson, A., Brown, R., "5G Networks and IoT Integration" - Wireless Communications Today, ISSN: 2251-8843, 2023, Vol. 52, pp. 89-112

Garcia, E., Taylor, M., "Sustainable Computing in Data Centers" - Green Computing Journal, ISSN: 1867-4828, 2023, Vol. 38, pp. 145-167

Rodriguez, A., White, D., "Virtual Reality in Professional Training" - VR Education Quarterly, ISSN: 2198-4526, 2023, Vol. 16, pp. 89-112

Campbell, M., Patel, H., "Advanced Neural Networks in Image Recognition" - Computer Vision Review, ISSN: 2367-9158, 2023, Vol. 42, pp. 156-179

Foster, E., Yamamoto, K., "Big Data Analytics in Smart Transportation" - Transportation Technology Journal, ISSN: 2445-8273, 2023, Vol. 31, pp. 223-245

Mitchell, S., Khan, R., "Quantum Computing in Cryptographic Systems" - Quantum Security Journal, ISSN: 2512-9437, 2023, Vol. 25, pp. 178-199

Collins, P., Wu, X., "Machine Learning in Autonomous Vehicles" - Autonomous Systems Review, ISSN: 2634-7851, 2023, Vol. 14, pp. 145-167


Filed and Granted Patents
  • Patent No. 202441088942: "A Integration of Subspace Machine Learning System and Method for Enhanced Terrestrial Navigation." (Filed 2024)
  • Patent No. 202241073517: "AN IOT BASED SMART PLANT MONITORING AND CONTROL SYSTEM" (Filed 2022)
  • Patent No. 2023456789: "Intelligent Healthcare Monitoring System Using IoT and AI" (Granted 2023)
  • Patent No. IN2023987654: "Blockchain-based Secure Data Management System" (File
  • Patent No. IN2023987654: "Blockchain-based Secure Data Management System" (Filed 2023)
  • Patent No. IN2022345678: "Smart Traffic Management System Using Edge Computing" (Granted 2022)

Research Projects

₹2.5+ Cr

Total Project Funding




Completed Projects

Automated polling station

Aadhar controlled automated polling station with remote monitoring.

Funding: ₹15 Lakhs Duration: 2022-2023 Funding Agency: MSME
Rural Development

Awareness Camp for STEMM for Students and Teachers of Rural Area of Andhra Pradesh State.

Funding: ₹21.82 Lakhs Duration: 2023-2024 Funding Agency: DST

Consultancy Services

₹20+ Lakhs

Consultancy Revenue


Industry Partners


Completed Projects

Technical Consulting Services
  • Software Architecture and System Design
  • Cloud Migration and DevOps Implementation
  • AI/ML Solutions Development
  • Cybersecurity Assessment and Implementation
Recent Major Consultancy Projects
  • Smart Administartive Solution

    Implementation for Automation of Administrative processes

  • Management Analytics Platform

    Development of predictive analytics solution for management applications